Scottish Tenants Organisation

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Points of Interest

Property magnate wins £1.1m from lawyers
link to Scotsman article

After a Dundee Council decision to demolish their houses, tenants and activistis surveyed the tenants and found strong opposition to the demolitions, something very different from what had been reported to the Council.

You can get copies of the two reports of the surveys here and on the library page.

Butterburn and Bucklemaker Tenants' Survey
Menzies Hill Tenants' Survey
Stirling Against Stock Transfer (SAST) produced an excellent flyer as par of its campaign. You can get a copy here.

Scottish Tenants Organisation

  • Public investment in good quality publicly owned housing available to all who want it.

  • An end to stock transfers of any variety and scale

  • Council housing debt write-off

  • Direct investment in improving existing council houses

  • Mass public housebuilding programmes

  • The right for tenants to transfer back to council ownership

  • An end to the removal of homes from the public and social sectors through right-to-buy.

  • Replacement of schemes that subsidise homeownership (and push up house prices) with investment in the public sector.

  • Affordable rents that are calculated so as to leave those on low incomes with enough money to afford a decent quality of life

  • Controlled private rents with security of tenure, together with policies that reduce dependence on the private rented sector in favour of council housing.

  • An end to demolitions that are not supported by tenants and are not part of a programme to provide better housing for the tenants being displaced.

  • Proactive planning policies that ensure that public sector housing is available in good central positions and not driven out to perimeter estates.

  • The possibility for tenants who want it - to have genuine involvement in running their homes.

  • Recognition of the role of genuinely independent tenant and community organisations

©2007 Scottish Tenants Organisation